WBF, The Organization for Production Technology, recognizing the financial realities of this year, postponed its 2009 Annual Conference. In its place, the organization is sponsoring two educational opportunities during ISA Expo 2009 in Houston on Monday October 5 and Tuesday October 6. As the leading authority in implementing ISA88,ISA95 and B2MML, WBF has put together “Non-Stop 88–Applying Batch Methods to Continuous and Discrete Processes” and “Getting Real with ISA95 and B2MML: Implementation Case Studies.” Both will be led by Dennis Brandl.
The Monday class presents the ISA-88 standard for batch control systems and how these concepts have been successfully applied to continuous and discrete control problems. The class presents the concepts and implementation of batch control systems using the ISA 88 standard and the concepts of modular batch automation. The material also covers the recipe-equipment separation required for flexible manufacturing, the S88 recipe hierarchy, the equipment hierarchy, and the methods for organizing equipment control for reusable and modular control. The methods used to handle procedure controlled startup, shutdown, product switchover, production pauses, splitting and merging of production runs, and other common operational control issues in continuous and discrete processes are covered. These methods all allow the use of commercial batch control systems to control the many procedures in continuous and discrete processes.
The Tuesday class presents the ISA95 standard and the supporting WBF B2MML schema standards and how they have been applied in MES projects and ERP-to-Manufacturing problems. The class presents practical plans for performing and analysis of manufacturing operations, development of MES or MOM (Manufacturing Operations Management) specifications, and evaluation of vendor MES and MOM solutions. The class then covers the use of B2MML in real integration projects that involved multiple different interfaces and systems. Integration projects require specification of interfaces down to the detailed data element level and this class defines the methods used to discover, define, and document data element mapping within the B2MML framework. Examples of target system data mappings using EDI formats, flat files, exchange tables, web services, and vendor specific schemas are demonstrated.
Classes will be in room 304 of the Reliant Center and costs are $695 each or $1,295 for both with the money going to WBF in support of its programs.