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WBF has announced its forthcoming 2010 North American Conference to be held May 24-25, 2010 at the University of Texas, Austin. The theme is “Achieving Operations Strength.” This is an opportunity to share and learn with the leaders in automation, control and manufacturing operations.

The conference is designed to help attendees learn from presentations and tutorials from people who have real experience on real projects and studies, and is a rare opportunity to network and exchange information with other manufacturing and automation professionals.  WBF provides an opportunity for you to share what really works and what doesn’t work.

Keynote speakers, panels, and discussion forums and individual presentations will provide focus on case studies, current and evolving manufacturing methods and technologies, and implementation of industry standards including ISA88, ISA95, ISA99, B2MML and Make2Pack. WBF’s collaborative activities with ISA, OMAC, and MESA will provide a broad and balanced view of the world of new manufacturing methods and technologies.

Can you contribute to the program? If you have been working in any of the areas mentioned above or if you have come up with new or improved ways of making manufacturing more efficient, less costly, of higher quality or just better, your colleagues would like to hear about it.  Please consider taking part in this exciting program, the formal call for papers will be sent out soon.

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