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As I researched my March article on sustainable manufacturing, I ran across the story of Ray Anderson and the Interface Corp. It’s the story of an epiphany while researching for a customer request that led to a company’s quest for reducing landfill waste, emissions (which are a form of waste), raw material use and more. In the same vein, here is a New York Times article about GM’s goal of zero landfill waste in half its plants. From the article, “General Motors said last week that 62 of its manufacturing plants (representing 43 percent of its global production) no longer send any production waste to landfills. The company’s goal, first stated in 2008, is for zero waste at half of its operations by the end of 2010, and it’s 87 percent of the way there.”

We’re catching on–there can be a direct relationship between corporate responsibility and reducing cost.

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