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I should emphasize that aside from a couple of assorted keynote-type shots, Honeywell has a new wireless team, and not one of the new people got into the old arguments. Representatives of the Wireless Compliance Institute did want to do a little comparison of ISA100 to WirelessHart. But it was all mild.

The Wireless Compliance Institute did have several announcements. This is an organization originally founded by ISA, but subsequently spun off into its own entity. Its function is to develop and implement testing of products for compliance to the ISA100 standards. It announced a new supplier board member. Yamatake joined Honeywell, GE Sensing, Yokogawa and Fuji Electric. WSI also has announced the release of the test kit. Testing should begin by the end of the month. Certified products should be on the market before the end of the year.

Other conversations I had indicated a few other things to be ironed out in the ISA100 to WirelessHart convergence. But I’m optimistic it’ll happen.

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