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Jemmac Software Ltd announced the appointment of Graeme Philp as non-Executive Chairman. Philp was previously the Chief Executive of The MTL instruments Group plc and led the sale of the company to Cooper Industries for £140m in 2008. At MTL he served, first, from 1992, as Managing Director of the intrinsic safety division, and then, from 1995, as Chief Executive of the Group, building the company from worldwide sales of £15m to over £100m at the time of the Cooper acquisition.

I love this thought, so true. Invest in the Customers You Want to Attract–
Its hard to be irresistible when you’re kissing up to folks who don’t care about you.

They are still posting news from the Siemens PLM Conference at the Siemens PLM Blog.

Seth Godin ponders the difference between managing a project and running a project. I’ve done both. Good food for thought.

Godin also asks “Do you have the right to be heard?” I think this is akin to the phrase “I have a right to my opinion.” I think not. I think you have the right to think–and I’ll “hear” you if you have an informed and reasoned thought. Just an opinion? No.

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