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The Dayton Daily News today carried a report stating that many manufacturing jobs are going unfilled. It cites a report from the Ohio Manufacturing Association supplemented with interviews with two local manufacturers. This is the type of story that leads to generational stereotype discussions. You probably shouldn’t extrapolate the data too far, but there is definitely a problem.

The reasons that people either don’t apply or aren’t hired were noted as don’t show up for work every day, don’t want to work eight hours a day let alone overtime, and can’t pass the drug test. The two companies interviewed would hire over 100 people this week if they could find them. Wages aren’t outstanding, but much better than service work.

Have any of you been trying to hire lately? I asked a couple of managers in church this morning and they corroborated the reports. What has been your experience lately?

By the way, notice no link? It’s because the editor and publisher of the newspaper are such strategic visionaries that they don’t want links to their Website that would give many pageviews for their advertisers (this blog would have sent over 100 alone). A text box at the end of the article notes, “This is only in the paper. Exclusive, hard-hitting reports such as this are only available in our newspaper, no our free website.”

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