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Andy Stanley is a Christian Protestant minister and leader of one of America’s “mega churches” in the Atlanta area. But he is also a student and teacher on leadership. He has a monthly podcast on leadership that I eagerly await. His insights on human nature as it relates to leadership motivate me to continue to look at myself. I suggest making him part of your month.

In this session, Andy talks with Joel Manby about the challenges when work and family collide. Joel talks about a couple of jobs he had where travel was outlandish. People think I travel a lot, well he made me look like a sloth. And it was affecting his marriage and family life. He talks about dealing with the problem with a bad choice that made things even worse. Then stepping back and making what were at the time difficult choices about career and family.

Men, especially, get careers mixed up with egos and then get carried away. This writing gig I picked up has made me well known in automation and manufacturing circles. I keep reminging myself, though, that I’m just a country boy doing what I like. Don’t let anything get to my head. The same can be said for a lot of people who let themselves by run by ego looking for more important positions or more money or something else that can lead to destruction of their lives, marriages, relationships.

At the beginning of this year, step back mentally and look at the broad scope of your career and life. Are you in balance?

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