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Dassault Systèmes unveiled DELMIA’s Apriso Quality Solution, which includes enterprise quality management software (EQMS) and professional services that expands the reach of traditional Quality Management Systems (QMS) to the global shop floor, across the supply chain, and up to executives. By extending visibility and control into global operations, this new DELMIA solution addresses the challenge of achieving higher quality across the enterprise and product supply network at a lower total cost.

“There’s a gap in many organizations’ ability to effectively deliver quality products and processes, and our research over the past several years has revealed that enterprise quality management software (EQMS) is the bridge. EQMS transforms many of the traditionally siloed quality efforts that are causing roadblocks to improvement today,” stated Matt Littlefield, President and Principal Analyst at LNS Research, in “What’s Stopping You from Achieving Quality Excellence?” on September 11, 2013.

Specific attributes of this solution include:

  • Vertically aligned, from in-line SPC and quality inspections, to enterprise-wide quality planning, to out-of-the-box quality dashboards and analytics
  • Global in its ability to create corporate standards and quality processes, enforce them across locations and suppliers, all within a closed loop system that supports continuous improvement
  • Detailed with complete track and trace for both as built and as maintained, for better root cause analysis and initiation of preventive and corrective actions, ultimately leading to improved brand protection

“Globally distributing manufacturing operations has exposed weakness in disparate quality systems, which can cause data inconsistency, delayed response times and additional cost,” explained John Fishell, Vice President of DELMIA Apriso Product Management, Dassault Systèmes. “Apriso Quality Solution can improve global quality performance in such a way that complements an enterprise’s manufacturing operations management strategy.”

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