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MIMOSA has announced its MIMOSA Open Meeting and Annual MIMOSA Members Meeting to be held in Houston, Texas at the BP Upstream Learning Center on Nov 29 and 30, 2016. The Open Meeting will take place on Nov 29, while the Members Meeting will take place on Nov 30.  The address for both meetings is BP America Inc, 2 Helios Way, Houston, TX 77079.

The focus of the MIMOSA Open Meeting is to highlight recent developments and progress toward adoption of interoperability standards between MIMOSA and cooperating industry organizations enabling the Open Industrial Digital Ecosystems based on the Open Industrial Interoperability Ecosystem (OIIE). The OIIE provides a pragmatic option to proprietary ecosystems. It is developed in a fully cooperative manner with multiple industry standards organizations, so that it is fully open and supplier neutral, while allowing the use of Commercial Off The Shelf solutions from suppliers of all types and sizes.  The agenda for the MIMOSA Open Meeting is still being finalized, but the starting time will be 9:00 AM CT on Nov 29 and it will finish at 4:00 PM.  Owner/Operators, EPCs, Integrators, Equipment OEMs, Software Suppliers and Industrial Media participants are welcomed.

The MIMOSA Members Meeting on Nov 30 will focus on areas of greatest interest to our members, including Owner/Operators, EPCs, Equipment OEMs, Software Suppliers and invited guests. The MIMOSA Annual Business Meeting will be included in the day’s events. The MIMOSA Members Meeting will start at 9:00 AM on Nov 30 and conclude at 5:00 PM.

To reserve your spot at this important meeting, please email [email protected]. Further information will be made available on the MIMOSA website at

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