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The Automation Conference

Automation World has been quietly assembling a full-blown automation conference scheduled for next May 22-23 at The Hilton in Rosemont, Ill. (in the O’Hare area). We have had a successful six-year run with the Packaging Automation Forum. Now, for 2012, we will expand with tracks not only for packaging machine automation (much of which was also applicable to most machine building applications), but also for continuous process, batch process and discrete manufacturing.

Frito-Lay, Boeing and Georgia Tech have signed on as sponsors with more to come. Over 20 speakers are confirmed including a well known cyber security expert and the controls and robotics director for Chrysler. I’ll keep you posted as we get closer. You’ll be able to register soon.

Emerson Exchange Video Report

If you want to see me as well as hear my report from last week’s event, click here.

[Update: oops, I usually write in text and add the html; did this one in wysiwyg.]

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