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You could take your automation and control skills into a different market. The healthcare market is projected to grow especially with introduction of robotic and AI technologies. This news comes from a competition for companies vying for funding for technology development in this important market.

  • Since its launch in 2017, the Arc Tank has awarded more than $850,000 to proposals that promise to break down barriers for people with disabilities.
  • Medicaid costs for people with IDD are among the highest of all populations, yet they experience the most significant health disparities and the worst health outcomes.”— Dr. Craig Escudé, President of IntellectAbility

IntellectAbility, in collaboration with Impruvon Health, SimplyHome, and StationMD, presenting together as the Inclusive Tech Care Collaborative, was thrilled to be selected as a finalist out of over 150 entrants in the 2023 Arc Tank competition held on December 5, 2023. The team took the stage with seven amazing finalists and spread their message about the importance of interoperable innovative tech solutions focusing on improving outcomes and reducing health disparities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

“Taking the stage with others who share our commitment to supporting people with IDD to live their best lives was an honor and a privilege, stated Dr. Craig Escudé, President of IntellectAbility. “We congratulate the awardees and can’t wait to see their visions come to reality!”

The Inclusive Tech Care Collaborative aims to transform supports and services for the IDD support ecosystem by leveraging the power of IntellectAbility’s web-based Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST), Impruvon Health’s enterprise medication assistance management system, SimplyHomes’ customized remote support sensor technology, and StationMD’s IDD-specific telemedicine service.

According to Dr. Escudé, “Medicaid costs for people with IDD are among the highest of all populations, yet they experience the most significant health disparities and the worst health outcomes. Working with our partners, we can realign this negative trajectory by implementing effective remote, web-based technology solutions.”

IntellectAbility recognizes the critical need for interoperability between the latest enabling technologies to ensure people with IDD have equitable access to the best possible home and community-based supports. Effective, interoperable web-based tools and remote technologies are essential as the industry continues to grapple with life-limiting health disparities, the direct support staffing crisis, and the shift toward remote personal care and health-related supports for people with IDD.

“We are incredibly grateful to the Arc Tank for this opportunity,” said Dr Escudé. “We look forward to continuing our work on leveraging the technology across the Collaborative’s platforms to foster increased independence, improved health risk management, real-time medical support, and safe and effective medication management for people with IDD.”

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