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Leo over at ZenHabits recently had two interesting posts.

How to be a Positive Person in 300 words is something we all need to take to heart when the temptation to be negative and critical overtakes us.

Do you ever wonder about the growing power of Google over us? It captures as much information about us as possible–more than the U.S. government is allowed to, by the way–supposedly to show us ads that will be relevant to us. Many, yea, probably most, of my searches are related to work–not to something I might want to buy. (Sorry, Jim, I’m not in the market for a Delta V 😉 Do I even need ads with everything I do–including email? There are places where they’re appropriate, but everywhere? Anyway, Leo who is the master of simplifying life, had these thoughts. So he tried to go Google-less in a day. This is a report of his efforts. I’m already switching from Google reader. But I haven’t been able to get the time to download Chromium.

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