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I was glad to see a note from my Canadian friend Jeremy Pollard who has been working for four years now on the O’Ryan Project Drive for the Cure — Golf Tournament for Cystic Fibrosis – held this year June 17th, 2010 in Ontario. I send some support money along. Timing never works out for me to get a foursome together. Maybe some of you can check your calendars with Jeremy and chip in a little extra for the 2011 edition. This project has raised over $100K over the four years. Fantastick, Jeremy.

You may remember him from PLCOpen and other programming standards efforts of the late 90s/early 00s. He still does a column for Control Design magazine. (Someday, you too can come to the light side of the force, Jeremy 😉

I do not have plans to travel to ISA’s Automation Week conference, so I’ll miss seeing him this year.

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