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Many are mourning the end of the NASA Shuttle program with today’s successful landing. I can’t believe it’s been 30 years. Further, I can’t believe it’s been 30 years and we really don’t have anything in the wings preparing to take the stage.

The shuttle was a great program. It is time we moved on to the next stage. It’s still too darned expensive and risky to take people into orbit. We’re still pretty kludgy with technology to take us to Mars to explore. There’s a lot to do.

Sometimes you have to die to one form of life to live into another one (that’s biology, for example caterpillar to butterfly or seed to plant). I guess that’s what needed to happen here.

Here’s to the next generation. May it continue to propel us out there. Hope some of my readers get to work on it. Maybe my grandson or granddaughter can fly it.

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