Have you heard about the micro loan phenomenon? It’s a way to help people one at a time instead of just passing the buck (literally) to a government or other bureaucracy. Believe me, I studied bureaucracy in grad school. Don’t care if it’s government, non-governmental organization (NGO), church or large company-it’s all the same.
So taking the the cue from Leo at Zen Habits, I’ve joined his group at Kiva and made my first micro loan to a woman in the Phillipines. Check it out and see if it’s something you can do to make a difference. I’ve linked to the Zen Habits site and you can go from there.
And, thanks much if you decide to join in.
That is the kind of thing that can be a game-changer. I’ve heard of the concept, but never really stopped to consider it, until now. What a great way to help someone who is willing to pay the price for success while promoting capitalism. I hope the concept grows legs.
Hi Gary, Congrats on your first microcredit action. It is a powerful movement that is literally changing lives in every part of the world. I highly recommend you see the new film from Turk Pipkin’s Nobelity Project called One Peace at a Time. I saw it last night and think you’ll be moved by the stories of successive projects including KIVA. Check out http://nobelity.org/one-peace-at-a-time/ for the details.