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Today on the MESA Plant to Enterprise blog, I detailed some of the events leading up to the 2010 North American Conference June 21-23 in Dearborn, MI.

The welcoming reception keynoter is football coach and TV analyst Lou Holtz. He’ll give you some ideas for motivating your team for excellence.

I’ve had a couple of conversations this week, so to dispel misperceptions—no, MESA and the conference are not limited to discrete manufacturing solutions. Ford Motor Co. has graciously made its conference facilities available to MESA for the conference. Located by the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village (stops you will definitely want to check out–trust me, I have many times), the offer was one of those “you can’t refuse.” Manufacturing execution (or operations management) solutions are applicable to all types of manufacturing/production. Come and discover for yourself–or help present or lead a discussion.

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