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I’m about to undertake part two of the annual conference season. Sometimes I’m not sure that conference season ever stops. But for sure I’ll be at a trade show in Germany, Emerson Exchange, IOM Ops Manage, Rockwell Automation Process Systems Users Group and Automation Fair this fall. So I read this post from Peter Shankman with great interest, Top Eight Ways to Survive Conference Season. Wow, he’s been to a conference or two. I especially liked his idea of stopping the taxi on the way to the hotel to pick up some bottled water at a deli a couple of miles before your destination. Hotel bottled water is expensive–and you need plenty. Also his thought about getting to the speaker before his presentation. I’ve waited too often afterwards for a chat.

Check it out. And if you see me at one of the events, stop me and say hi. I’ll be working on the “show dailies” for Exchange and Ops Manage, so I’ll look busy. But I almost always have a little time to stop and trade cards and ideas.

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