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I checked in this afternoon for the IOM customer conference. Got an update on registrations–over 1,200 which exceeds expectations. Saw a bunch of people–no gloom and doom anywhere.

One interesting observation–there’s some sort of food convention going on at the Peabody. An organic foods company (supplies organic fruit to stores) has a hospitality suite (remember those?) down the hall from me. I saw two guys with about 15 extra large pizzas going into the room. Hmmm.

Since I was here in February for the ARC Forum, the Peabody has added a convention center (now figure–across the street is a huge convention center, then connected by walkways is the new huge convention center, now the Peabody convention center–guess who’s poised to be the convention capital of the world?) another tower hotel and a huge parking garage. As my wife said, there’s money somewhere.

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