It appears that the combination of disruptive technologies gathered around open source, cloud and Software as as Service (SaaS) are gathering momentum. I think this cluster of technologies has the power to disrupt ERP and MES, perhaps many more applications.
One reason I say this is that it takes the blessing of IT departments for new technologies to invade corporate turf. Last week I talked with Debbie Moynihan, director of marketing of a new company, FuseSource, that has a messaging technology built on open source code–in fact, the company employs many leading developers of that very code. Actually, the company has been around as part of Progress Software, but its model was sufficiently different that the decision was made to spin it off. She said that the company has experienced 100 percent growth per year for three years. The company sells by a subscription model, not a per seat model.
FuseSource provides professional open source integration and messaging software, tools, training, and consulting to organizations seeking to leverage these technologies in the enterprise. As an independent company, FuseSource believes it is better positioned to meet the evolving needs of its current customers and enterprise IT users actively seeking to gain the benefits of low cost and vendor independence while continuing to get the level of service provided by enterprise software vendors.
To date, FuseSource has enabled more than 200 large enterprises worldwide to successfully implement large-scale open source integration projects, including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Sabre Holdings. This customer success is reflected in the company’s greater than 130 percent growth in 2009 and community downloads exceeding one million per year.
FuseSource provides its customers with access to professional open source software through a subscription model. FuseSource subscriptions include certified distributions of Apache Software Foundation projects, professional documentation, enterprise-level support and SLAs, and tools to allow management and metering. As important, FuseSource subscriptions provide customers the ability to influence the product roadmap as well as access to consulting and expertise from open source professionals solely focused on enterprise integration and messaging.


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