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I saw this release last week while I was trying to get the March issue of Automation World out the door. McAfee Inc. announced new research which found that 41 percent of organizations are not well aware of or protected against IT security risks. Another 40 percent are not completely confident they can accurately deploy countermeasure products thus leaving them at risk. The report Risk and Compliance Outlook: 2011, commissioned by McAfee and conducted by Evalueserve found that to address these concerns, nearly half of all companies plan to spend an average of 21 percent more in 2011 on Risk and Compliance solutions. Overall, the survey indicated strong growth for risk and compliance products in 2011 with the majority of CSO’s and other decision-making executives demanding integrated and automated solutions rather than point products.

I’m working on a security article for an upcoming issue. Just curious–how many of you care about security standards for industrial control and automation products? There are a couple security standards floating around. Would you put compliance in your specs? Would you like to see other standards? Send me a note or comment on the blog. Thanks.

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