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I am at the United Club in Orlando about to leave for home. So I don’t have time for any intelligent analysis right now from this installment of the ABB Automation and Power World conference.

They announced overall attendance of 4,800 people. Quite respectable. I was only able to get to a couple of sessions, but they were packed.

The company is still on a positive track. And for those of us who have been attending for the past 10 years or so, it is fascinating to reflect on the great growth in the company over that times. Not just revenues, but also numbers of employees and customers and even further the attitude. They were on the right track, but CEO Joe Hogan has brought a new level of energy to the entire company–the mark of a great leader.

I will be updating on the number of new products announced when I land in Chicago (yes, I get to connect a lot thanks to flying out of Dayton, Ohio).

There were also a number of conversations about services and cool things happening with software.

And a word about the future

Great to see a lot of great people and lay the foundation for my new Website–coming soon to a browser near you. Watch for the launch of The Manufacturing Connection as I refine my new business and the areas I’ll be covering–basically what I do now with some renewed emphases on areas not covered well by existing publications.

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