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MESA Unconference Session on ROI Justification

One of the first presentations at the MESA North American Conference dealt with the Cloud. We keep discussing and debating this topic in manufacturing. This discussion is a non-starter in the IT realm. The problem has been solved and no one thinks twice about using various aspects of the Cloud. Are we catching up in manufacturing? Or, is more education needed?

MESA President Mike Yost remarked about his first MES implementation many years ago and all the benefits that the customer received–but that were never attributed to the MES implementation. Later, Darren Riley of Appriso made the same remark when commenting on a Gartner/MESA study. There are benefits that just aren’t considered when determining return on investment (ROI) of an MES implementation.

Yost also challenged members to help the organization harness all the information that justifies applications. The organization is also working to educate the market. He then challenged members to help develop more tools to help people get into MES.

Watch for the launch of The Manufacturing Connection coming soon. “Connecting things, data and people in a digital world promoting manufacturing excellence.”

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