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I’m in Greenville, SC, at the MESA International North American Conference. Arrived just in time for a couple of announcements relating to the future of Manufacturing Operations Management applications.

In the first presentation, just concluded, Charles Horth, CEO of STI SlimSoft, started a cloud-based MES/MOM discussion as it introduced a new initiative aimed at “bringing Manufacturing Operations Management (MES/MOM) software to the cloud.” The intent is to open up the power of today’s Operations Management solutions to a much broader set of customers. Small and mid-sized manufacturers will be able to benefit from advanced capabilities often available only to larger enterprises according to the company.

MESA’s president Mike Yost commented, “I’m excited that STI-SlimSoft is stepping forward to offer their leadership in driving the conversation around ‘the cloud in production operations’. As often happens with new technologies, people try to figure them out on their own. MESA is the place where those conversations are unified and everyone’s best interests are represented.”

STI-SlimSoft also said they are ready to take inquiries from manufacturers about participating in a beta testing program for their first application available in the cloud environment. The first is a packaging line application based on STI-SlimSoft’s SlimUp offerings, and is fully complemented with mobile apps for iPad, iPhone, and Android-based phones and tablets. The official launch is planned for Q3 of this year, with other vertical solution offerings to follow.

Manufacturers interested in participating in the beta program or in gaining more information can go visit this site or send an email.

Watch for the launch of The Manufacturing Connection coming soon. “Connecting things, data and people in a digital world promoting manufacturing excellence.”

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