This may seem somewhat off target, but not really. Personal growth and development are more than a hobby. I’ve taught classes, mentored, encouraged for my entire adult life. Thought in this era of divisiveness and fear and anger, this timely message and recommendation might help someone.
Ancient advice and modern spiritual explorers teach us to be self -aware and to be careful of being ruled by our passions.
This can be as mild as foolishly spending money on unnecessary things. Or choosing to spend time with the wrong people.
It can be as bad as letting fear, lust, anger, greed, pride, and the rest rule our lives.
On the other hand, a coldly rational outlook following the rules and inhibiting relationship fuels a life alone and unsatisfying.
A TV series from Belgium explores some of these themes with deep probing and gentle understanding. Professor T features the struggles of a genius criminologist professor who assists a former student now detective inspector in solving murders. Along the way the writers probe the struggles and growth of perhaps 10 characters.
The acting is superb. The soundtrack outstanding. The spoken language is Flemish (with some French—it is Belgium, so both languages are spoken). My wife and I found it on Amazon Prime. I realize there are people reading this in countries where you may not be able to find this program. But if you can, it’s worth it. It was recorded in 2015, 2016, and 2018. Three seasons of 13 episodes. We’ve watched it over the past month. I’m going to miss the characters.
There is an English version, as in performed in England in English. We have seen this one. Not as good. There are also versions in German and French. We have not seen those. Watch the Belgian one. I cried at the end.
Overcoming passions keys a sound life. Unless your heart is in the right condition, overcoming passions will leave you cold.