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Executives at ThinkIQ have talked with me a few times. They have an interesting story around what they call a SaaS-based Continuous Intelligence Platform. They also released some news last week.

ThinkIQ announced enhancements to its platform to provide more capabilities geared towards Continuous Intelligence for supply chain and production optimization within material centric manufacturing.

ThinkIQ is the first platform-based Continuous Intelligence solution in the market and can be operationalized at many levels – from supply chain, product quality, process improvement, and any time-sensitive process enhanced by the ability to respond to what’s happening right now throughout the entire manufacturing process. Analytics are woven directly into operational processes that can take or trigger actions when specific conditions are met. This ranges from time-sensitive alerts that guide employees on what to do next, to fully automated processes that trigger downstream actions without human intervention.

Continuous Intelligence closes the gap between what is happening in your operations now and the information and insights available. This accelerates how effectively people and processes respond to rapidly changing conditions.

With ThinkIQ, manufacturers are able to collect, analyze, and share information in a way that was not previously possible. ThinkIQ combines the capabilities of continuous ingestion of data with a well-defined model that fits manufacturing and their supply chains, achieving the goal of having current data with meaning. The latest release includes a number of new features, including:

The ability to close the loop from the edge to the cloud where AI can be done, and back to the edge where actions can be taken. This is a key step to enabling the autonomous self-driving supply chain.

  • Several modeling enhancements including automatic propagation of model configuration information which enables adoption of corporate standards.
  • Attributes on organizations and places. This is critical for continuous roll up of corporate, business-unit, and plant KPIs. ThinkIQ supports rollup of any KPI, including operational, environmental, safety, and financial metrics.
  • Strengthening of ThinkIQ’s GraphQL API for stronger integration with third party applications.
  • A new Model Browser that makes it easy to find anything anywhere in the model.
  • New expressions for attributes for simple and weighted moving average. The expressions take into account how the interpolated data between the recorded points shall be interpreted and do not require that the data input stream is evenly sampled in time.
  • Improved robustness and performance of our on-premises gateways and connectors.
  • Cyber security enhancements according to our SOC 2 compliance program.

“The supply chain has been in disarray since the pandemic started, and accurate materials tracking is more important than ever before for manufacturers,” said Niels Andersen, CTO and CPO of ThinkIQ. “With our enhanced Continuous Intelligence solution, our customers can respond and adapt their manufacturing processes automatically based on ever-changing conditions leveraging contextualized, time-sensitive data.”

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