More robotics news emanating from IMTS, the International Manufacturing Technology Show. This from Olis Robotics who provides remote monitoring, diagnostics, and debugging across complete industrial cells thanks to PLC functionality built into the company’s flagship solution.

This sounds like the dream of 20 years ago and M2M, or machine-to-machine, technology. The problem was, and has been, reluctance of the final customer to allow third parties access to their often-proprietary operating algorithms. Not to mention security risks. But the idea of helping both OEM and user remains intriguing.

Olis provides video and telemetry-based diagnostics for industrial cells, enabling technicians to diagnose the root cause of downtime events, such as a robot failure. Immediate access to diagnostic data enables the robotic cell to be debugged quickly and remotely, slashing manufacturer downtime while empowering integrators to take on more business.

Using Olis software, users can monitor and set alerts for pre-defined runtime parameters through the PLC, including I/Os, registers, and custom tags. Common uses for PLC tags include measuring Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), monitoring cycle times, and fault detection.

For integrators, the new PLC capabilities enhance their ability to debug a system before shipping, and their ability to successfully monitor the system after deployment and remotely monitor and debug entire industrial cells.

For end users, this means reduced downtime costs –not just in cases of robot failure, but across the entire cell. The new functionality can even be used to maintain and improve standards in production throughput. For example, in an application involving a robot inserting bolts into a part, users could create an alert that indicates when the feeder is running low on bolts. The PLC can then send Olis an alert informing the operator that it’s time to refill the feeder.

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