Communications companies hit me up a few years ago about what they saw as their next breakthrough market—private 5G networks. These seemed to have a natural fit within industrial and manufacturing companies with a large footprint. There have been a few installations. I’m not hearing about a true breakthrough—yet.
Yet, tech companies continue to build out their technologies and partnerships. This news concerns Nokia and DXC Technology announcing the availability of DXC Signal Private LTE and 5G, a managed secure private wireless network and digitalization platform solution that helps industrial enterprises digitally transform their operations.
- Companies to provide world-class private wireless networking solutions to propel organizations into the future
- New solution designed for key market segments including manufacturing, energy, healthcare, supply chain and logistics, transportation, and education
This partnership offers high-bandwidth, low-latency wireless networks to support increased automation, enhanced flexibility, operational technology (OT) data processing, and privacy needs.
This advanced solution integrates Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) and Nokia MX Industrial Edge (MXIE) with DXC Platform X.