As soon as ISA figures out what will comprise its Standard for Wireless in Process Manufacturing, ISA100, it will then complete work on figuring out how to test for compliance. You will be able to catch all the relevant information at the newly launched ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute Website.
“Our goal is to make the first place to visit for suppliers and end users interested in building and using ISA100 technology based products. Suppliers need support for integrating ISA100 technology into their product lines and having them certified as ISA100 Compliant. The site helps end users by providing a single destination for getting the most up-to-date facts on marketplace programs supporting the standard, product availability and use-cases,” commented Andre Ristaino, WCI managing director.
The press release notes the approval of the standard, The ISA-100.11a-2009 Wireless Systems for Industrial Automation Standard, by ISA in September 2009, but a further note should be added that ANSI did not approve the stardard due to procedural issues and the standard is still in something of a limbo.
The WCI website will be updated on a weekly basis with new content relevant to the ISA100 Standard, conformance program support and, educational content about the technology. The site includes announcements about regional WCI events, webinars and industry events and provides a convenient registration portal for signups.