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While I am on a cybersecurity marathon today, here is information about a round table discussion I watched last week. Long-time acquaintance and cybersecurity guru Eric Byers drew my attention. And the event was hosted by old friend Greg Hale of ISSSource. To be honest, I’d never heard of Red Balloon. This was the more intriguing of the press releases I received regarding Biden’s Executive Order on security.

Although this reminds me of a comment in the history of JFK’s presidency by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., “A Thousand Days”, which I read at university. Kennedy issued an executive order and commiserated with Schlesinger about how nothing really happened because of it. Yep, that’s the way government works. But there is the power of setting the agenda and priorities.

Embedded system cybersecurity provider, Red Balloon Security, and are teaming up to host a discussion on the effects of industrial security incidents and the Biden Administration’s Executive Order on embedded device security.

With all the ransomware incidents in the news lately, the attention of the industry has focused on the effects on industrial control systems. However, one area that has been overlooked is the critical role embedded devices play. A panel of experts will discuss why embedded devices are critical, what the current state of security is and if the current focus and the executive order are specific enough to drive improvements.

Members of the panel include Ang Cui, Chief Executive at Red Balloon Security and embedded device expert; Eric Byers, Chief Executive at aDolus, software bill of materials (SBoMs) provider for the ICS/OT sector; Ian Crone, former DARPA/I2O Program Manager, and Enrique Salem, Managing Director at Bain Capital Ventures and former Chief Executive of Symantec. The panel will be moderated by Gregory Hale, Editor and Founder of Industrial Safety and Security Source ( 

The webcast will be June 30 at 4 p.m. eastern time. Click here to register for the event.

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