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Jim Pinto has spent much of the past two weeks investigating what’s happening at ISA. His latest thoughts are here. He also put together some interesting thoughts for an Automation World column that will be out in a couple of weeks. I previously wrote something here, and I also have a column in the forthcoming Automation World on the subject. One thing that amazes me is that so many people care what happens to ISA. On the other hand, why have they taken so long to wake up and smell the coffee? The Expo has been dying for eight years. There is no value proposition for major systems suppliers to exhibit.

Jim thinks that the new conference format for “Automation Week” will tank. I think this is a golden opportunity to influence the direction of industry gatherings for years to come. ISA MUST do something to get the majority of its 30,000 members to attend, though. This is a huge challenge. I’m not sure the current distributed leadership is up to it–but I hope so.

If they want my help, I’m willing to lend a hand. But I’m just a lowly member and not involved in leadership.

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