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A long time ago I made a choice to try to always live in the moment. A friend told me it was German heritage that we were worriers. (All the Germans can correct me if you want.) But it is true that living in the past (things you’ve done or left undone) or in the future (worried about what might happen) is a no win situation. I’m also puzzled at all the people on vacation who are diligently videoing everything rather than experiencing it. Will they have time to ever watch all that video?

Liz Strauss at the “Successful Blog” (or Successful and Outstanding Bloggers – SOBs) asks, “Do you Twitter at Conferences?” Got me thinking about living in the moment. Do you experience the conference or worry about twittering it? There was a lot of tweeting at Emerson Exchange, and I contributed some to the noise. It did help people not in Orlando to get a feel for what was happening. But I’m a reporter, so I suppose it’s partly my job. But I didn’t have time or technology to easily read all the tweets in real time (supposedly the value of twitter).

I’m still learning about Twitter. What have been your experiences? Does it help you to see what’s going on at conferences you can’t attend? Or is Twitter better as a real-time conversation enabler?

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