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WBF, the association formerly known as World Batch Forum, found itself in the position during the recession of 2009 of postponing its annual meeting (and also important source of funds). It has however decided to go for it in 2010 with a conference in Austin at the University of Texas on May 24-25.

The organization has issued a Call for Papers for the event. Interesting and knowledgeable speakers are the core of a successful event, and WBF is looking for a few good people. The conference theme is “Achieving Operations Strength.” As the organizers state it, “WBF conferences have been the place to hear where the future of manufacturing is described, as experts and leaders present their visions of what is to come and share their practical experience on real projects. Join us in this exciting opportunity to share your understanding of current and upcoming manufacturing management, integration and control methods and technologies. The conference is designed to help attendees learn from presentations and tutorials from people who have real experience on real projects and studies, and is a rare opportunity to network and exchange information with other manufacturing and automation professionals. WBF provides an opportunity for you to share what really works and what doesn’t work.”

Keynote speakers, panels, and discussion forums and individual presentations will provide focus on case studies, current and evolving manufacturing methods and technologies, and implementation of industry standards including ISA-88, ISA-95, ISA-99, B2MML, and Make2Pack. WBF’s collaborative activities with ISA, OMAC and MESA will provide a broad and balanced view of the world of new manufacturing methods and technologies.

Any of you who have have been working in any of the areas mentioned above or if you have come up with new or improved ways of making manufacturing more efficient, less costly, of higher quality or just better, your colleagues would like to hear about it. Please consider taking part in this exciting program. 

Abstract Submissions
All papers and presentations are to be in English and must be noncommercial and cleared for presentation.  The abstract should be concise and comprehensible and include the following:

  • Paper Title
  • Introductory sentence(s) that creates interest in the topic
  • Brief definition of problem domain
  • Brief description of solution method (no details)
  • Brief summary of results and conclusions (no details)

Abstracts are to be submitted electronically to [email protected] before December 18, 2009. 

Abstracts are to be between 100-250 words in length.  Upon notification of acceptance of abstract by the WBF Program Committee, the author will be required to sign WBF’s copyright release form or provide WBF with an acceptable equivalent. WBF requires free use of the completed paper without restrictions.

Paper Submissions
Authors of provisionally accepted abstracts will be required to submit a draft paper in Microsoft Word format and an accompanying PowerPoint presentation for review no later than March 1, 2010. Except by prior arrangement, only those papers submitted by this date will be presented at the conference.

WBF Focus Areas & Potential Paper Topics
Themes identified below suggest the types of papers that will make up the WBF conference.  The content and message of papers should include progress, status, successful application and lessons-learned from the application or use of the technology or method within your organization and throughout the industry. Of particular program interest are case studies relative to the successful application and use of current, new, or leading edge manufacturing management, integration or control methods or technologies.

Appropriate subject areas for papers and case studies include, but are not limited to:
1. Operational Strength in Process Manufacturing – Papers and case studies that describe new or innovative methods for applying or misapplying the ISA 88 and ISA 95 standards in the process manufacturing industries.
2. Operational Strength in Manufacturing IT – Papers and case studies that describe problems, solutions, concerns, and potentials in the realm of Manufacturing Information Technology. 
3. Operational Strength in Industrial Security – Papers and case studies that describe new or innovative methods for applying or misapplying the ISA 99 standard and case studies of industrial security issues and solutions.
4. Business to Manufacturing Integration – Papers and case studies that describe case studies in manufacturing integration.  This could include reports and case studies on B2MML, OPC, and OAGIS integration.
5. Manufacturing Operations Management – Papers and case studies that describe successful and unsuccessful applications of MOM and MES.

Important Dates
Abstract Submittal Deadline – December 18, 2009
Notification of Provisional Acceptance – January 25, 2010
Draft Papers and Presentations Deadline – March 1, 2010

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