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I made it to Anaheim this afternoon and only missed one of the presentations to the general group for Rockwell Automation’s Process Systems Users Group. Reported attendance numbers unofficially are around 500, greater than last year. That’s a good trend (we can all hope that the economy is getting better for us!).

We’re in the middle of a bunch of product updates. They got some applause with the announcement that Rockwell now supports a virtual computing environment with VMware. Discussions included process control, asset management and field devices (support for just about everything that’s needed including WirelessHart), now I’m listening to updates on batch control. Still more updates to come.

Our Safety Automation Forum is shaping up to be an outstanding event tomorrow. I’ll also have interviews with several top Rockwell executives tomorrow. These will never have breaking news, but I hope to gain some insights into Rockwell’s direction, plans and expectations for the next year. Stay tuned.

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