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National Instruments has always (at least as long as I’ve known it) had and depended on a strong and thriving partner ecosystem. The ecosystem is comprised of both integrator/users and technology partners. It’s just announced a couple of interesting new partners–Denso Robotics and Honeywell (sensors).

NI and Denso Robotics will collaborate to integrate NI measurement and vision technology with Denso robotic arms. Denso in partnership with NI Alliance Partner ImagingLab, created the ImagingLab Robotics Library for Denso, which communicates directly with Denso controllers to command and control Denso robotic arms through LabView software. The new library provides the ability to use a single software environment to control and integrate every aspect of a machine, ranging from part handling and robot control to advanced measurements and machine vision. Using LabView, engineers who normally would not use industrial robotics now can integrate them into their applications to automate laboratories, precisely assemble components and test complex parts.

Honeywell and National Instruments collaborated to make it easier for customers to set up and configure measurement systems including better connectivity, expanded networking capabilities and improved measurement accuracy. Specifically, the companies combined forces to:

  • Improve sensor and data acquisition connectivity — This tool-less connection eliminates the need for engineers to understand sensor wiring codes and map them to signal conditioning instrumentation, which significantly reduces delays and errors when connecting sensors to the data acquisition system.
  • Expand networking capabilities — Customers have the flexibility to integrate sensors to a data acquisition system via USB for local PC/laptop connections; Ethernet connectivity for local area network connections; and wireless connectivity where cables are inconvenient or uneconomical.
  • Electronic transfer of key sensor information — Using TEDS (IEEE 1451.4), the NI 9237 module accesses relevant sensor and calibration information programmed onto the Honeywell sensor and automatically configures and optimizes the data acquisition hardware. This eliminates the time required to review both sets of data sheets and calibration certificates. It also reduces end-user error by eliminating manual setup of the data acquisition hardware and software.
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