I see Jim Cahill has signed off for the year. Have a good time away from the computer. I’ve only slowed down because I’m trying to wrap up the January issue of Automation World and am writing the main feature about innovation in automation. It’s very interesting, but very involved.
While recognizing people from Emerson Process, Greg McMillan has been busy with his Exceptional Opportunities in Process Control series. I appreciate this one–it’s something I can understand right away! Thanks for the series this year, Greg.
There has been a proliferation of thinking about ISA since its shocking announcements in early October (hope you’ve caught up with Our ISA. Keith Campbell, retired from Hershey and now a blogger for Packaging World, posted a provactive essay this week. Will ISA Take the Wrong Path Again?
I first met Keith in relation to his work with OMAC (and I think he made a great presentation on financial justification of projects at a WBF meeting several years ago if memory serves). ARC Advisory Group used to sponsor OMAC, but then it handed it over to ISA to run some time ago. But OMAC still has meetings at the annual ARC Forum in Orlando. Same will be this year. This year it’s called “ARC World Industry Forum: Where Industry Leaders Meet to Solve Their Most Challenging Issues.” It’ll have four tracks you can choose from. Check it out. I’m sure they’d love to see more “end users” show up this year. I plan to be there. Once again they have press conference marathon for editors from 12 to 6 on Monday. Gives its clients a chance to get in front of us–hopefully with news. It’s February 8-11 at the Rosen Center.
I have a bunch more items in queue, but gotta get to the gym and then finish that article. Watch for our special innovation and ideas issue online in early January and in your mailbox in mid-January.