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I haven’t referenced Knowledge@Emory (news from the Goizueta School of Business at Emory University) for quite a while. It requires registration, but there are often interesting articles from an array of professors at the school. This month there are a couple.

How to Leverage Opportunity in a Tough Economy” has some interesting insights. But I do think there are a couple of weird observations–such as, “This mentality differs from that of Baby Boomers, who typically pledged their unflagging allegiance to the same company until retirement. Generations X and Y share an intense work ethic, Villarreal adds, but they are more likely to seek out flex time and telecommuting options…” Huh? I’m technically a boomer and figured out more than 30 years ago that I would not be like my father’s generation who worked at the same place for an entire career–ant then collected a pension. (Gen X and Y as intense work ethic? Not the reputation–but my kids who are Gen X I guess do work hard.)

Here’s an article sure to hit many of you about the reductions in management staff that require project managers to collaborate more than other. “Getting Project Managers to Juggle Together.


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