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More news from the press conference marathon at the ARC forum in Orlando. Bentley Systems Inc., known as an “infrastructure software provider,” announced that it has acquired Enterprise Informatics Inc. and Exor Corp. Enterprise Informatics eB Insight software provides configuration and change management capabilities for mission-critical infrastructure asset operations for the energy, nuclear, rail, and government sectors. Exor information modeling software provides for the management and operations of linear networks for infrastructure, including roads and railways. These strategic acquisitions accelerate Bentley’s focus on value creation for owner-operators — enabling operations and maintenance to take advantage of information modeling, and thus realize the potential of “intelligent” infrastructure assets. Bentley’s “AssetWise” platform, also announced February 9, will combine multiple information modeling services to improve the lifecycle management and operational performance, safety, compliance, and governance of infrastructure assets while increasing the return on investment for owner-operators.

“These two acquisitions anchor the next stage in Bentley’s progression as an infrastructure software provider,” CEO Greg Bentley said. “In AssetWise we see a tremendous opportunity — driven by advances in
 computing and information modeling — to substantially increase owner-operators’ return on investment, furthering our corporate mission of sustaining infrastructure. Throughout Bentley’s 25 years, our focus on interoperability and federated information reuse has always met with business success. We’ve observed that an infrastructure asset’s lifecycle necessarily includes periodic capital project cycles. Such projects–through
 design and simulation applications such as Bentley’s and ProjectWise dynamic collaboration services — yield better performance capabilities, but stress operational processes. With AssetWise, our new objective is to empower owner-operators to leverage the value of information modeling throughout operations and maintenance — while maintaining the transactional integrity that their enterprise applications demand. I’m confident that we and AssetWise users will continually gain new value — because increased interoperability and reuse will always drive ROI.”

Over half of Bentley’s revenue is directly from infrastructure owner-operators — and already, ProjectWise has been adopted by 44 percent of the 500 largest such owner-operators for capital projects.

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