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I have been honored to know Andrew Bond for many years as an erudite and insightful commentator on the industrial automation scene. He’s a great guy and makes PR reps squirm because he asks the hard questions and doesn’t parrot the party line. However he’s always the gentleman and has his facts (and history) straight.

Well, after 14 years, he’s stepping back from the daily grind and has passed ownership and editorship of the Industrial Automation Insider to Nick Denbow. I met Nick at the ABB Power and Automation World event this spring and look forward to continuing a great relationship with the Insider. I hope to cross paths with Andrew at times on my trips to Europe.

The newsletter is subscription based and takes no money from advertisers. I recommend it even for US and Asian readers, even though being based in the UK, the writing has a decidedly European slant.

Here is the text of his note to subscribers and an introduction to Nick.

After nearly 14 years as Editor of Industrial Automation INSIDER, the first four under its original title of SCADA Insider, and more than 11 as owner and publisher, I am passing over both the editorship and ownership of the title and its associated web site to Nick Denbow with effect from the September 2010 issue. Nick takes over complete responsibility for the editorial content, production and distribution of the title and fulfilment of existing subscriptions with immediate effect, although I will continue to provide advice and some editorial input on a consultancy basis.

Nick, like me, is a Cambridge University engineering graduate and also, unlike me, a Chartered Engineer and a member of the Institute of Measurement and Control. He also, again unlike me, brings the benefit of 25 years of actual practical experience in the industry, notably with Bestobell Mobrey and Platon, to INSIDER as well as more recent experience in marketing, PR and as the founder editor of the pioneering ProcessingTalk web site.

To ensure continuity Nick has since January of this year been playing an increasing role, both contributing editorially and representing us at a wide range of industry events. As a result I am confident that he will not just maintain but enhance the quality and breadth of coverage to which INSIDER subscribers have become accustomed.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank subscribers for their generous support over the years and, in some cases, since the very first issue in January 1997, and urge them to show the same level of support and encouragement to Nick in the coming months and years.

As a friend in the industry replied when I told him I was missing our meeting Wednesday in Cleveland due to some acute muscle cramps most likely from a tough soccer match followed by a pretty intense Yoga workout that rewarded me with a night in the hospital with muscle relaxants dripping into my bloodstream, “I’ve been telling my wife that working out is bad for your health. Thanks for the example.” Actually, I probably just overdid it.

Got home yesterday afternoon after my first stay in a hospital since I was born. They took great care of me, and I could work from the hospital (almost said hotel, some similarity there). But I’m a couple of days behind. Even though it’s Labor Day weekend coming up, I’m on bed rest, which means time to catch the blog up. So after your great holiday weekend (in the US at any rate), catch the stream of posts on Tuesday.

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