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Sudipta Bhattacharya
One thing is for sure, unlike a couple of years ago, Invensys Operations Management is firmly in the hands of leaders who know process automation. Another thing is that expectations were exceeded with registrations totaling more than 1,200. (New rule of thumb–figure about 70% customers.) The third thing is that CEO and President, Sudipta Bhattacharya, and his team knew they had to clearly spell out just what an Enterprise Control System is.
The point of ECS is to close the “control gap” between strategy and execution, or put another way by Invensys Operations Management President, Sudipta Bhattacharya, “It’s time to close the profit control loop.”
“We will be foremost provider in the world of ECS. No one has a package solution but us. This is our vision of ECS, and it is one that leads to operational excellence,” added Bhattacharya. The challenge in manufacturing is to be able to manage the real-time plant. To do that, you must understand the plant floor. “That is our challenge and our opportunity,” he added.
The key is to integrate all the levels of the enterprise. Bhattacharya noted the company’s challenge is how well it can put the pieces together better and faster than the competition. “That is our journey,” he said.
Information without context is useless. Bhattacharya pointed to the Skelta acquisition which has led to ArchestrA Workflow—a technology that adds actionable context to plant information.
Grant Le Sueur, director of InFusion Product Marketing, demonstrated a scenario of a leaking control valve to show some of the ECS value. The leaking valve could lead to potential loss of production, profitability or even potential danger. 
Using SimSci-Esscor Dysim, Foxboro I/A Series distributed control system (DCS), Wonderware InTouch, Avantis Pro & CM, Wonderware IntelaTrac and ArchestrA Workflow from Invensys plus integration to SAP, Le Sueur showed how the integrated solution delivers consistent operational integrity, a full audit trail for traceability, control excellence and asset excellence, plus involvement of all plant and business stakeholders to solve both plant and business problems.
So, people have written to me asking, “Does IOM have a chance?” I will take that question to mean, does it have a chance to survive. I think the answer is yes. Two years ago, it was standing on a precipice overlooking the abyss of irrelevance. It was about 18 months ago when Invensys appointed Bhattacharya to his current position, brought together the rest of the brands and charged him with reforming the company. I’ve asked successful CEOs about team building in this sort of environment. The answer is always, measure the teams in months, not weeks. The team has come together well. The teams obviously enjoy working together. Investment in things that matter for process professionals is back on track. So, yes, IOM has a chance to survive–and be successful.
But then, execution is everything. So we’ll continue to watch performance.
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