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There is a new blog in the production and automation space – The Process Automation Insights Blog. The author is Dave Huffman. He’s with ABB. His first two posts are up and interesting. Hope he can keep it up.

The weather in western Ohio this spring has been wet and cold. Soccer games are never cancelled. Well, almost. So many fields have been closed this spring that I’ve spent many extra hours assigning referees to make up games. Most farmers have only had two days so far to get into the fields. We’re not in the dire straights of those along the major rivers, but it’s not fun here.

I went down to Dayton to a Leadership/Motivation seminar that touted some big-name speakers this morning. Rudy Giuliani was pretty good–but I’ve heard him before. After the hour-long sales pitch for a do-it-yourself stock trading Web site, I was motivated to find a decent place for lunch close to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base then on to a Pannera bread to work for the afternoon. Two hours to catch up on correspondance. <whew>

How do you feel about advertising? Like many of you (except for my marketing readers), I’m ambivalent. Maybe more so. Advertising in Automation World pays my salary, of course. But I hate to be innundated with it. On the other hand, if I’m in the market for something, then professional advertising is welcome.

Google knows that. So, it tries hard to figure out what your interests are and serve you ads that you will appreciate seeing rather than regard as spam. (Sort of the same with AW. We hope you are interested in manufacturing, production and automation–so the ads should be something you are interested in.)

Did you know that one of the key things in the algorithm Google has for awarding winners to its adwords auctions is how good your ad is? In my experience, I’ve seen people with terrible ads blame the media for its bad response. What if the response was proportional to the quality of the ad? Anyway, listen to this podcast presentation of TechNation with Dr. Moira Gunn as she interviews Wired Senior Editor Stephen Levy who wrote “In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives.” You’ll learn that and much more about Google.

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