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Tomorrow I am heading to Delaware and the annual WBF Forum. I’ll be leaving Columbus after a mandatory meeting of the Ohio High School Athletic Association where I renew my assignor certification. OHSAA doesn’t recognize people who work (outside of schools that is), and give you just one chance a year.

So, I’ll miss Monday evening’s Hall of Fame dinner (and John Berra’s induction) and most of Tuesday’s conference. But that doesn’t mean I won’t catch Berra’s keynote address, “Sharpening the Tools–Small Victories Mean Big Improvements.” It kicks off at 8:45 am, and I’ll be supposedly listening to people tell me what I’ve been doing for the past 23 years–but I hope to be listening to Berra at this livestreaming link. You can, too.

If you can’t make the trip you can catch this keynote and Wednesday’s by James Porter, also at 8:45 am on “Smart Plants: Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage.

Otherwise, hope to see you there.


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