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What gets you up and going to work in the morning? Fear of poverty? Love what you’re doing? I’ve been blessed for the past 10 years to get up and get moving because I love what I do. And I guess it shows.

A lot of the motivation is the opportunity to be creative, to satisfy my curiosity about many things and to share what I learn.

In this (one of the last) podcasts on IT Conversations, Pamela Rutledge, Co-Founder/Director, A Think Lab/Media Psychology Research Center, spells out why our intrinsic ability to get things done is really what gets us up in the morning. Hear in this talk what what drives creativity and innovation, what technology does with motivation, how this has implications at multiple levels, and how giving people more control over their lives increases commercial success.

This works for personal motivation, employee motivation, also in education for motivating kids to learn.

Among other ideas to consider ponder this one. When you develop technology for people, think on the different motivations. Consider operator control rooms in plants. Think of the effort engineers are devoting to providing better ways to communicate the status of a plant. Perhaps tapping into ideas around intrinsic motivation would encourage big improvements.

Food for thought. And thanks to Doug Kaye and Phil Windley for 10 years of IT Conversations. Not sure where I’ll go to replace all the ideas I’ve gleaned.

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