Go ahead, admit it. You’ve already started your list of New Year’s Resolutions.
You know you will forget them by January 15.
I’m preparing for a jump in attendance in my Yoga class next week.
Of course, by the end of January attendance will be pretty much where it has been.
Resolving that “I will be healthier this year” or “I will weigh a health 1XX pounds” won’t do it.
Deciding on one or two new habits will make the change permanent.
Tomorrow morning I will make a breakfast of oatmeal with fruit. And the next morning. Maybe even laying out the bowl the night before. Do that for 30 days, and you will be moving on your way to a healthier and slimmer you.
Tomorrow morning I will get up and either go to the gym or the park and run/walk for 30 minutes. Do that for 30 days along with one change in eating, and you will have new habits and be on your way to health and fitness.
After a couple of months, you could say, for example, “since I am already at the gym to run or walk daily (maybe skipping weekends or something), I will add using the weight machines to firm up my muscles.”
Apply this to business. We never say, “I resolve to fail.” But perhaps you could change one habit. Maybe in how you compliment people. Maybe, if you are in sales, make it a habit that every day at 9 am I will make 10 sales calls. I don’t schedule meetings, I make calls. I add it to my calendar. Make it a habit.
Habits are a nice way of talking about disciplines. Rather than saying “I will grow spiritually,” say, “tomorrow morning I will get up 15 minutes earlier and read from the Bible (or other spiritual book) followed by meditating on the thought for 5 minutes.” Have a chair with the book on the table beside it. Get up, brew your coffee or tea, and sit down to do your spiritual work. After 30 days you will have a habit that everyone will notice.
Warning: Don’t try too many new habits all at once. You’ll be overwhelmed. One habit change can noticeably change your life.