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John Dyck is now CEO of CESMII, a US government initiative promoting Smart Manufacturing. I worked with him some at MESA International and in his previous role at Rockwell Automation. He sent me this note the other day, “I wanted to share with you a link to a recording of a Congressional Briefing (virtual) that I participated in (with ASME) on rethinking the manufacturing supply chain. My contributions start at the 10:20 mark and are ~10 minutes. This is part of a significant initiative that we’ve started here, which you see in the final 2 minutes of my presentation.”  There are few people in Congress with any kind of science or engineering background. Let alone manufacturing and production. I hope they take the time to watch and learn.

 Unlike the initiatives in Germany and China that have the full support from the top of the government, American government might fund initiatives such as CESMII, but as far as the top reaches of Congress and the administration are concerned, the outcomes are more along the lines of wishing and anxiety.

If you are American and involved in this area, listen and see where you might help. If you are outside America, you’ll find it interesting what we’re working on.

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