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Meanwhile, I spoke at the IoT Workshop of the Precision Metalforming Association and MetalForming magazine virtual IoT Experience on November 17. If you wish to hear a few thoughts about implementing IoT for fun and profit, tune in.

I’ve mentioned that I went to Houston last week to attend Automation Fair. I had a lot of work to clear up this week so far putting me far behind compiling my thoughts.

This article by Keith Larson of Control Magazine (Putman Publishing) summarized one aspect of the press conferences we attended. By the way, I loved the way Rockwell Automation put these together. I’m sure balancing virtual and live was part of the equation, but they kept these to a half-hour speaking to the point while allowing time for questions.

Keith points out three new senior positions that suggest new directions at Rockwell as CEO Blake Moret shapes the company for the future.

First up was Bobby Griffin, the company’s first chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer. Together with Becky House, senior Vice President and chief people and legal officer (another telling title), he discussed leveraging culture and DEI as competitive advantage. 

Another presenter sporting a newly created title was Sherman Joshua, global competency business director. In his new role, he’s working within Rockwell’s services group to create a more agile and flexible workforce. 

Last up was Tom O’Reilly, newly minted vice president of sustainability. He talked about how Rockwell was leveraging data to drive productivity and sustainability—both within Rockwell and on behalf of its customers. The ability of the Rockwell portfolio of hardware, software and services to increase efficiency and reduce waste on behalf of its customers is clear, but Rockwell itself has also improved energy efficiency and reduced waste of its manufacturing processes and is targeted the increased recycling and reuse of its products.

Keith was the first editor I met after I left manufacturing to become an editor back in 1998. Interestingly, he changed positions for a promotion leaving an opening which I filled. Indirectly, he is responsible for me being here. The people in this market don’t link to each other like the writers in some other technology markets do. But I have no problem linking.

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