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Robotics has become a fertile field for innovation over the past few years. It will continue to advance providing many ways to assist humans in their work and their health. This news partly concerns medical/surgical robotics. I’ve recently talked with a friend facing such surgery, something quite risky only a few years ago with robotic assistance. This would be a good area to point young, enthusiastic engineers who want to make a difference.

Novanta Inc. announced a partnership with MassRobotics to help create and scale the next generation of robotics startups. Through the partnership, Novanta business units Celera Motion and ATI Industrial Automation will collaborate with MassRobotics to develop advanced innovations in medical/surgical robotics and improve robotic productivity.

MassRobotics is an independent, nonprofit organization serving as an innovation hub for robotics and connected devices. Its efforts include providing innovative entrepreneurs and startups with the workspace and resources they need to develop and commercialize their products and solutions.

Celera Motion is a provider of motion control components and subsystems for OEMs serving a variety of medical and advanced industrial markets. It will collaborate with MassRobotics and the other companies, organizations and research institutions that it works with to create new innovations across a wide spectrum of applications, especially in medical robotics.

ATI Industrial Automation, an engineering-based developer of robotic accessories and robot arm tooling, will work with MassRobotics to develop sophisticated technological solutions that improve robotic productivity.

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