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My first digital transformation project in manufacturing was in 1978. We had an IBM Series 3 minicomputer. I procured (leased) a set of programs from IBM. There were classes and other training. I remember a trip to New York City. We put all current engineering data on that little machine (not nearly as powerful as the thing in my lap that I’m typing on). Then…the market tanked, the company was sold, the president was fired by the corporate overlords, the new president fired my boss the vice president, the new vice president fired me (stuff runs down hill).

But they couldn’t take away the learning.

That’s why I look with prejudiced eye at the marketing and analyst aspect of today’s articles on digital transformation. We’ve been at it for a long time.

On the other hand—

  • Compute platforms grow ever more powerful
  • Databases become ever better servants of our data needs
  • Organizations grow to incorporate new digital realities

New products and services that help end users get better at this digital journey provide needed support. Aside from hype, these are good. 

At the ARC Industry Leadership Forum in Orlando February 6-9 this year, I had a chance to listen to people from Schneider Electric describe their new offering. I’m sure many customers will find it quite useful.

  • Industrial Digital Transformation Consulting and Deployment Service 
  • Specialized end-to-end service to accelerate successful digital transformation strategic planning and implementation for industrial businesses 
  • Sustainability, industrial performance, digital operations, and energy management experts to drive transformation at enterprise and local levels 

Industrial Digital Transformation Services offering is designed to help industrial enterprises achieve future-ready, innovative, sustainable, and effective end-to-end digital transformation. (OK, that was the marketing hype.)

The targeted benefits include:

  • operational efficiency and workforce empowerment 
  • sustainability and energy efficiency 
  • asset optimization 
  • cybersecurity

And, I’ll close by giving you a quote from the organization leader:

“Successful industrial digital transformation requires a global vision that is agile enough to support local needs,” said Marc Fromager, SVP Industrial Automation Services, Schneider Electric. “Successful programs encompass efficiency, sustainability, and employee empowerment, underpinned by robust cybersecurity. What elevates Schneider Electric is our unmatched combination of digital transformation experience across a myriad of industries, supported by our world-leading energy management and automation technology and software—all delivered by local experts with the full backing of our global teams.” 

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