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After an early spring lull, conference season is here. I leave Monday for Las Vegas and the Siemens Digital conference and the following Sunday for Honeywell User Group. If you are at one of those, give me a shout out and we can meet for coffee or something.

Meanwhile, Inductive Automation Marketing VP, Doug Dudley, has posted information on the company blog about the upcoming Ignition community Conference (ICC).

This year feels like it’s flying by, and every day brings us closer to the Ignition Community Conference (ICC), so we’ll get right to the point: We’ve updated the ICC website for 2023 and you can register right now. In fact, if you register by July 16 you’ll save $250 off the regular ticket price. ICC 2023 takes place on Tuesday, September 26 through Thursday, September 28 at the Harris Center in Folsom, California.

Here are a couple of teasers for the upcoming event.

The Three-Day Schedule is Back! Many of you have asked for it, and we’re excited to say that for the first time since 2019, ICC will be a three-day event. 

Although the full ICC schedule isn’t posted yet (it’s coming soon), we can tell you that the first day will include the Discover Gallery, live Exhibitor Demonstrations, the Welcome Reception and Food Truck Dinner, and a few new events (more info about those below). The second and third days will feature general sessions in the main stage, blocks of concurrent sessions from IA and Ignition community experts, the Build-a-Thon competition, meals, and more. Yes, that’s three Ignition-packed days — and it’s a beautiful thing.

A couple of added networking opportunities. One is a touch of the “unconference” I used to pitch for MESA conferences.

If you’ve ever wished that you could have a discussion with fellow Ignition enthusiasts about your own chosen topic, then Table Talks are for you. Inspired by discussions that we’ve seen at other conferences, Table Talks are attendee-generated discussion groups. Attendees will have the ability to see the time, topic, and table where a discussion is happening so they can join in, or they’ll even be able to start their own. With Table Talks scheduled through most of day one, they’ll be a great way for attendees to do some networking and have some lively discussions with other Ignition community members. Information about how to participate in Table Talk topics is on the way soon.

Another networking opportunity.

The Tech Lounge is another new feature this year. Located on the mezzanine on the second floor of the Harris Center, the Tech Lounge is a space for attendees to meet, chat, and charge their phones. The Lounge will be one of the main places where IA staff will hang out, so it’s a great place for attendees to connect with IA team members.

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