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Department of weird headlines—from today’s OPC Foundation news, “DCS Vendors Shift Toward OPC UA Over Classic.” There is some nuance. But it caused a double take.

From The Athletic newsletter, “NFL Playoff Predictor, updated projections.” It’s only the second week of the season. Predict? Supposedly Yogi Berra stated, “Predictions are difficult, especially about the future.” OK, I suppose if I were an NFL fan, this “news” would give me something to argue about with friends. I envision a sports bar, a beer, noise…

Last week I was in Phoenix for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual conference. Plenty of energy. A big change from my normal venues. More coming later. Mostly due to…

This week in Folsom, CA at the Ignition Community Conference. Even more energy. Ignition 8.3 is an exciting release. More later as I gather my thoughts through the fog of fall allergy season.

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