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Fluid would barely begin the description of the market for cybersecurity technology developers. Most news emanating from the sector concerns surveys on threats. People seem to move around often. As another example of that market, Dragos has acquired Network Perception, makers of NP-View, a network visualization platform for OT networks. Dragos notes in its release, “The acquisition will bolster the Dragos Platform with industry-leading OT network visibility along with compliance and segmentation analysis and reporting capabilities tailored to safeguard critical OT environments.”

Dragos believes combining the network capabilities of the two companies will help organizations gain an understanding of their networks that was previously elusive from a single provider. They are now able to see which assets are connecting to which services in their critical networks, as well as which assets can connect to which services.

In the future, through the integration of NP-View’s topology and firewall rules analysis into the Dragos Platform, customers will be able to map their OT environment network topology more effectively, decide where to place Dragos Platform network sensors, map vulnerabilities to attack paths, and evaluate configuration and policy drift. The dual layer visibility into what assets are communicating and what communication paths are possible will be a powerful security and compliance view of the OT environment. NP-View’s network segmentation capabilities will enhance Dragos’s strong defense mechanisms against lateral movement by adversaries within OT environments. 

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